The United Nations Summit on Climate Change is coming. It will be at Copenhagen, in December. What can we do? That is not the question. The real question is: when we will do what must be done? I agree with PJean-Pascal van Ypersele — Deputy Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) — that the key question for action is «Is there the political will to strike a deal and implement the necessary measures to really tackle climate change?» And the answer is clear: there must be! We, the humanity, cannot afford any more delays on sustainable and fair decisions on this matter.
We can have a good world, but we deserve a good, fair and clean world! It is possible, and we must believe it. We, men and nations, have a duty of making Earth a better world than we found it. It is a choice between a possible future and no future at all. Can we really choose? I don’t think that it is a matter of choosing or not, but of to act or not. It´s more than a question of politics, it’s a matter of surviving or not. Developed countries can save their industries, for sure, but they will not save the world – especially insular and sea coasted countries. The planet has no patience.
quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2009
Publicada por
Virgilio Brandao
11:38:00 da tarde
Etiquetas: ambiente, blog action day, cultura, direitos humanos, pensamento, politica, sociedade
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